Testing, Testing 1 2 3…

Okay, so my first equestrian blog post on my new website – what an exciting time! The most recent announcement I have made is that I am now kindly sponsored by not only Global Herbs, but Martha Morgan Photography too!

 I never in a million years thought I’d be a ‘sponsored’ rider – in my mind that title was reserved for those competing at the very top who had money and big flashy horses. Yet, here I am on my Friesian x Cob, barely competing at Novice with two incredible sponsors and another sponsorship deal in the pipeline!

I’m writing this as if you know me – although I am not convinced many will read this at all. This space is very much for me to process my thoughts but it also gives me something to look back on and remember the fond memories. So yeah…that’s me! A 23-year old psychology graduate with many job roles and a HGV licence (taken for the sole purpose of driving my horse around the country of course). 

Let’s capture amazing moments together

7 + 1 =


Silverton, Exeter

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