While comparison can sometimes be the thief of joy, it can also be a powerful tool for gaining perspective. As I look back on my photography journey this past year, I’m reminded of just how much can change with time, patience, and persistence.
This time last year, I took a photo with my trusty old Nikon D40. I remember being so frustrated because no matter what I did, I couldn’t figure out how to stop the images from being blurry. It felt like an uphill battle, and I questioned whether I would ever get the hang of it.
Fast forward to July of this year, just seven months later, and I captured another photo, one that marked a major milestone for me. While I’d never claim to be the best photographer out there, I’m proud to say I’ve gained so much more confidence in my abilities.
Looking back, it’s clear how much I’ve learned, but what excites me most is that there’s still so much more to discover. Photography has been a real source of creativity and joy for me, and I’ve truly loved every second behind the lens.
I’m so grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey, whether that’s been through encouragement, constructive feedback, or simply allowing me to capture their moments. As I head into another year, I can’t wait to see how my skills evolve and what new opportunities come my way.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that progress doesn’t happen overnight, but every step forward is worth celebrating.

Christmas Shenanigans
One thing I have always wanted to try out is the black-background photography that you often see in equestrian photography. With Christmas fast-approaching, I thought it might be a good idea to buy a giant wreath and do some festive photoshoots!
Turns out, finding a gigantic wreath isn’t actually that easy and there was no way a normal one would fit. Luckily, I was put in touch with Caitlin from Olive and Bloom who not only listened to my crazy ideas, but ran with it and produced the most incredible wreath I have ever seen!

Now, I will never pretend to be something I am not and I had no idea about how to get these shots but using my knowledge of light and editing, I gave it my best shot!
We had so much fun shooting these – the whole Mill Lane Family was running around, jumping up and down and shaking all sorts in an attempt to get ears forward and perfect positions! With Christmas music in the background and mince pies and other treats on hand, it was genuinely brilliant. Even the 3-year-olds tolerated the wreath!